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Please consider donating to the Class of '71 to help fund classmates who might not otherwise be able to attend. The net profits will go to the SPHS Scholarship fund.


•   Stephen Whitaker  1/5
•   Ernie Manriquez  10/15
•   John Carter  10/15
•   John Lawrence  8/12
•   Steve Wright  3/13
•   Rod Carson (Croley)  3/12
•   Glenna Ehlig  3/11
•   Michelle Behr  11/29
•   Karen Sullivan (Byers)  7/31
•   Kay Miles (Weinstein)  6/2
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7 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
154 live in California
4 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
4 live in Idaho
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Maryland
3 live in Missouri
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6 live in Oregon
1 lives in Tennessee
5 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
3 live in Virginia
8 live in Washington
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Italy
1 lives in Peru
2 live in United Kingdom
55 location unknown
31 are deceased


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Welcome to the South Pasadena High School

Class Of 1971 website!


March 26, 2023

I just realized that I didn't post anything about the Friday night gathering and the reunion. My apologies. Here's what I wrote for the SPHSAlumni magazine. If you attended and have something to add, please let me know.

             Class of 1971 Reunion Raises $2,000 For SPHS Student Scholarship

With the Coronavirus Omicron variant top of mind,  members of the Class of 1971 celebrated its "50+1 Year Reunion" with two wonderful get-togethers Sept. 23 and 24.

About 35 classmates gathered Friday at the Courtyard Old Town Pasadena and got reacquainted over beverages and light hors d'oeuvres. A few folks stayed until 12:30 a.m.!

On Saturday, 60 people attended the formal reunion at the lovely South Pasadena home of classmate Dr. David Sato and his wife, Barbara. There were lots of hugs - everyone was asked to take a COVID test earlier in the day - reminiscing and  catching up. Attendees were greeted with a glass of champagne from a case donated by a classmate. The Mexican food was catered by Mijares and there was a a wide array of beverages. On this 90-degree day the most popular drink was water! 

The evening ended shortly after two killer sets of live music from a 1970s/80s cover band that rocked the reunion AND the neighborhood! Classmate and longtime sax player Robert Feinstein sat in on the second set.

After paying all the bills the class will be able to award a  $2,000 scholarship to a 2022-23 SPHS senior in need.

At its 45th Anniversary Reunion the class raised enough for a $1,500 scholarship. Classmates received an update about that recipient: 

"The student we supported 6 years ago started at PCC and finished at UCLA! She did it all on her own, with little parental oversight," reported classmate Cathie (Carden) Macdonald, who oversaw the student selection.

The reunion committee, which plans to organize a 55th anniversary reunion in four years, was: Steve Wright, David Sato, Kevin McLaughlin, Liza (Colombatto) Dyer, JoAnne Allen, Cathie (Carden) Macdonald, Ed Liu and Al Brockus

Hope to see you in 2026! Peace and love, Steve


Sept. 18, 2022

Hi fellow SPHS Class of 1971 Tigers,

Thanks to all of you who have registered to attend our 50+1 year reunion this coming Saturday. We will have a good turnout of classmates, some wonderful food and a live band playing a couple of sets. The reunion committee is really excited that we'll be able to see so many of you again.

If you haven’t registered yet, there still is time. Go to Proof of COVID vaccination is required and everyone must take a COVID test on Saturday to ensure as much as possible that this *elders* gathering is a COVID-free event. If you forget to test, we will have a limited number of testing kits on hand.

On Friday, we also will have pre-reunion reception at the Marriott in Old Town Pasadena. Here are the details for both events:

  • FRIDAY – The pre-reunion gathering will be in outdoor space at the Courtyard by Marriott in Old Town Pasadena. It will be a no-host bar with some light appetizers.

Time - 6-9 pm

Address - 180 North Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103

  • SATURDAY REUNION –  Many thanks to David and Barbara Sato for hosting us again at their lovely home. Don’t forget to test yourself earlier in the day!

Time – 4 to 10 pm

Address - 1936 Edgewood Drive, South Pasadena, 91030

Friends, food and entertainment – In addition to reconnecting with high school friends, we will have plenty of good food from Mijares Mexican Restaurant, plus two sets of “our high school era” music from a live band. Dance or kick back and groove a little.

  • COVID testing - We are roughly 70 years old and we need to protect each other from getting COVID because we are more vulnerable than the general population. The reunion will involve socializing with a great number of people over a long period of time, so please take a COVID test before heading over to the Sato’s.  You will be asked about this at the check-in table.
  • What to wear – Weather forecasters say the high on Saturday will be around 90 degrees at the beginning of the reunion and at 10 pm closer to 70 degrees. What to wear? At our age we get to wear what we want with no judgement! We are all just excited to have the opportunity to see each other again and catch up.

Questions? Contact Steve Wright,

Your reunion committee: Steve Wright, Liza (Colombatto) Dyer, Al Brockus, Cathie (Carden) MacDonald, Ed Liu, Kevin McLaughlin, JoAnne Allen, David Sato, Steve Willis,

Sept. 10, 2022
  • FRIDAY NIGHT EVENT - Generous classmembers who will be at the reunion have made it possible for us to have a pre-reunion gathering in outdoor space at the Courtyard by Marriott in Old Town Pasadena on Friday, Sept. 23, from 6-9 pm. It will be a no-host bar with some light appetizers. Hope to see you there!
  • Additional donations: Money left over will go to a scholarship for an SPHS student. Our 45th reunion raised enough for a $1,500 scholarship!
  • Register: Go to TONIGHT to register for the reunion. It will really help those of us planning the event if you sign up no and not wait longer. Thanks!


The reunion will be outdoors at classmate Dr. David Sato’s and his wife, Barbara’s, lovely home in South Pasadena. Thank you, David and Barb!

The registration page for our Saturday, Sept. 24, 50+1-year-reunion now is ready so please register today: Note: This is a time of financial stress for many, so don’t let that get in your way.  Contact Steve Wright,

On Friday, Sept. 23, we will hold a no-host evening gathering at the (Marriott) Courtyard Pasadena in “Old Town," as stated above.

COVID - We are requiring that copies of up-to-date vaccination cards be filed with the reunion committee at the time of registration because there is another rampaging COVID variant sweeping across the state and country – plus the fact we all are *seniors.”  Please attach a photo, pdf, etc. of your vaccination card to the email listed on the registration page and below, and send it right away. Reunion day testing also will be required. We appreciate everyone’s help in ensuring this is a COVID worry-free event.

Here are the reunion details:

  • Date/time: Saturday, Sept. 24, 4 to 10 pm
  • Cost: $65 per person / $110 per couple = dinner, beverages, live band playing songs from our youthful era
  • Place: 1936 Edgewood Drive, South Pasadena
  • COVID: Send your vaccination record to: . And bring along a testing kit for Saturday.

It is going to be a good time, with *old* friends, food, recorded and live music. We would love to see you.

Your reunion committee: Steve Wright, Steve Willis, Liza (Colombatto) Dyer, Al Brockus, Cathie (Carden) MacDonald, Ed Liu, Kevin McLaughlin, JoAnne Allen, David Sato

July 25, 2022

Register TODAY for our SPHS Class of 1971 50+1 year reunion – Sept. 24, 2022

Hi fellow SPHS Class of 1971 Tigers:

Fifty-one years since high school. Wow. Congratulations! After a year’s delay, it is time to celebrate this milestone together! We have planned a wonderful night with our fellow classmates with time to chat and reminisce, plus wonderful Mexican food,dancing or just listening to a live band and recorded tunes curated by classmate Al Brockus.

The reunion will be outdoors at classmate Dr. David Sato’s and his wife, Barbara’s, lovely home in South Pasadena. Thank you, David and Barb!

The registration page for our Saturday, Sept. 24, 50+1-year-reunion now is ready so please register today: Note: This is a time of financial stress for many, so don’t let that get in your way.  Contact Steve Wright,

On Friday, Sept. 23, we expect to hold a no-host evening gathering at the (Marriott) Courtyard Pasadena in “Old Town.” We could use some financial help with this so if life for you after high school was a generous experience, please consider helping by becoming a sponsor at $200 - $500. Email Steve Wright –

We also have a limited number of reduced-rate rooms reserved at that hotel. Details listed below.

COVID - We are requiring that copies of up-to-date vaccination cards be filed with the reunion committee at the time of registration because there is another rampaging COVID variant sweeping across the state and country – plus the fact we all are *seniors.”  Please attach a photo, pdf, etc. of your vaccination card to the email listed on the registration page and below, and send it right away. Reunion day testing also will be required. We appreciate everyone’s help in ensuring this is a COVID worry-free event.

Here are the details:

  • Date/time: Saturday, Sept. 24, 4 to 10 pm
  • Cost: $65 per person / $110 per couple = dinner, beverages, live band playing songs from our youthful era
  • Place: 1936 Edgewood Drive, South Pasadena
  • Etc.: The Friday, Sept. 23, gathering will happen! So place it on your calendar, too. Steve will confirm it later.
  • COVID: Send your vaccination record to: . And bring along a testing kit for Friday.
  • Courtyard Pasadena group name: "South Pasadena High School Reunion"
  • Last day to book - Sept. 2
  • Rate: $189 - $199 per night - 15 rooms each night

Use this link:

It is going to be a good time, with *old* friends, food, recorded and live music. We would love to see you in September.

Your reunion committee: Steve Wright, Steve Willis, Liza (Colombatto) Dyer, Al Brockus, Cathie (Carden) MacDonald, Ed Liu, Kevin McLaughlin, JoAnne Allen, David Sato


Jan. 29, 2022

Hello classmates:

Your Reunion Committee reluctantly canceled our 50th Anniversary celebration last year because of Covid. We now are hopeful that tlater this year we can gather together and celebrate the fact that it has been more than 50 years since we graduated from South Pasadena High School. Wow! And, congratulations to us all!

We have chosen Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022, for the main event which will be held outdoors at classmate Dr. David Sato's lovely home in South Pasadena. Many thanks to David and his wife, Barb, for hosting us again. We will start in the afternoon and include a nice dinner, music, etc.

We also will plan a no-host gathering the evening before - Friday, Sept. 23, 2022 - possibly at The Langham.

So, please mark your calanders because we would love to see as many of you as possible. We will follow CDC Covid protocol, if necessary, that is in effect at that time.

We have not yet settled on a cost, so we will get back to you in a couple of months with an update. We also will book a block of hotel rooms as nearby as possible.

If you have any questions or can help with decorations, name tags, etc., please contact Steve Wright - As in the past, we will gather funds for a student scholarship.

Cheers and we truly hope to see you in September,

Steve Wright, Steve Willis, Liza (Colombatto) Dyer, Al Brockus, Cathie (Carden) MacDonald, Ed Liu, Kevin McLaughlin, JoAnne Allen, David Sato

Feb. 7, 2021
Dear friends and former classmates:
I hope you all are healthy and have been safe from Covid-19 so far.
Given the history of the response to the pandemic in the past year one thing seems clear to your reunion committee - everything about it lasts longer than we would like. (No need to go into the whys.)
The committee believes that our health and safety are paramount. And given the list of pandemic unknowns at this time the committee has determined that we should postpone the 50th reunion celebration until the 51st - likely in April/May 2022. Or possibly Sept/Oct 2022. Committee members consulted on this include: - Liza  (Colombatto) Dyer, Ed Liu, Steve Willis, Cathie (Carden) MacDonald, Kevin McLaughlin, JoAnne Allen and me.
Here is something for your calendar this year: June 17 is the date in 1971 that we received our diplomas. I hope you will take a minute or two this June 17 to celebrate that moment. You deserve it.
I'll be back in touch toward the end of this year with better news, I hope.
Peace and love, Steve


June 4, 2018

Hi Everyone:

At the end of our 45th reunion there was $1,500 available for a SPHS student scholarship from a combination of donations and unexpeced revenue because a larger group of you attended than expected! 

Our reunion committee agreed to honor a  dedicated, hard working student with financial need, who was first generation headed to college and who was not the usual superstar. We didn't find an appropriate student last year, but this year (2018) we did. This awardee is Cayley Whitman.

Classmate Cathie (Carden) McDonald, who works at the school, did the honors at the May 31 scholarship assembly and said:

"She sprang out of her seat like a rocket when her name was announced; she was so genuinely surprised and thrilled!    Cayley took full advantage of study resources all four years, was a dedicated, diligent, solid B who took all general ed classes, including an AP course, this year. She ran track throughout high school, was the pep squad manager, and worked ten hours a week in the front office. She spreads good cheer throughout the campus everyday. She is Pasadena City College-bound with plans to transfer to a university, major still undecided, but leaning toward business or aviation."

Cayley wrote to us:

Dear the Class of 1971,

I am deeply humbled and grateful for the incredible recognition you have bestowed on me with this scholarship. Thank you.

-Cayley Whitman

Many thanks to all of you who helped make it possible to help this promisitng student. We look forward to seeing you at our 50th reunion in 2021.

Peace and blessings to you all, Steve

Your planning committee: Steve Wright, Steve Willis, Ed Liu, David Sato, Liza Dyer, Cathie MacDonald, Kevin McLaughlin, JoAnne Allen, Jack May, Al Brockus